Project Description

TRC was engaged by Destination Gippsland on behalf of a partnership, including the six Local Governments of Gippsland, to undertake a feasibility study and business case for the creation of a new mountain biking experience and a multi-layered trail that would traverse the length and breadth of Gippsland.

This project was an extension of the recently completed Gippsland Tracks and Trails Feasibility Study (2019), also undertaken by TRC.

Of the recommended trails for priority development, two were identified for more detailed feasibility assessment, route alignments, market analysis and economic assessment.  These were the ‘Baw Baw Epic Adventure Ride’ and ‘Gippsland Trail’.

For the Baw Baw Epic Adventure Ride, TRC undertook an extensive assessment of the markets for mountain bike tourism, considered the strategic framework for Gippsland, and completed a detailed costs and benefits assessment of the proposed route. TRC’s methodology for this project was a desktop assessment, field work and stakeholder consultation.

TRC undertook an extensive survey of the proposed route for the Gippsland Trail and developed the concept in line with the recommendations contained in the Gippsland Tracks and Trails Feasibility Study. We found that the concept was achievable and presented an exciting opportunity for Gippsland to be recognised as a trails destination nationally and internationally.

TRC found that the Gippsland Trail presented a strong economic case for ongoing development that could be staged over a period of years. The Baw Baw Epic Adventure Ride also had strong merit and would be highly sought after in the growing mountain biking market.

The outcome was a plan for each trail that provided decision-makers with the information they needed to be able to consider scheduling and funding of further development.