Project Description

Trust Tairāwhiti and the owner of Te Kuri Farm engaged TRC on this project to report on the feasibility of development of a recreation park, along with other revenue generating ventures from the site. Following a report and preliminary trail schematics by Southstar Trails in 2018, the owner of Te Kuri Farm sought support from Eastland Community Trust in 2019 to fund a Feasibility Study, and if relevant, a Business Case.

TRC’s objective was to understand the potential economic opportunity for both the landowner and potential investors, including assessment of downstream regional benefit to attract regional investment.

Based on the analysis, it was the view of TRC that there was insufficient evidence to proceed with a business case to develop mountain bike trails or commercial accommodation on the site. There were, however, opportunities for the landowner to explore non-commercial ventures to continue forest rehabilitation and identify and collaborate with a third-party funder/development agency to support the establishment of an education facility as a philanthropic venture.